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8/1:看膩了SPN在comic con的劇透視頻了嗎?!換個口味看看Under the Red Hood有提到Jensen的訪問吧!還有,需要字幕的人有福了......;)



這是配音導演(vocal director)Andrea Romano的訪問(咦~我記得上次翻譯時她不是casting director嗎?!),當然又談到了Jensen的表現,再一次提到她被Jensen所演繹的情緒感動,還有該訪問者也表示,原本一點也不同情這個角色的,結果被Jensen配的音打動了......(這是我大概聽到的部分,請不要問我全部內容,因為本人的耳朵和英文很不熟......~>_<~)Jensen啊Jensen,除了誠心誠意地給你個外,我著實再也找不出其他的話稱讚你了!!!XD




另外,之前看Under the Red Hood和我一樣大半內容鴨子聽雷的同學,字幕出來啦!!!!!;) 快去下載後重新好好地完整欣賞Jensen的amazing job吧!!!!!連結:




7/29:之前說在Best Buy買Under the Red Hood有獨家版DVD,會送迷你的Red Hood公仔!有人拿到囉~感謝AgtSpooky的分享。:) 下面還有新增一篇review。




雖然我不迷公仔,不過說實話這個人偶做得還蠻帥的~:p 如果臉做成Jensen的話我就買了......哈哈!聽說DVD裡頭還有附下載的地址,不過請注意,麥金塔的電腦不適用,所以購買前請考慮好喔!:)


接下來的reivew,是這個系列的粉絲,他寫得很詳細,每個有感覺或精彩的場景都會提出來,當然就會提到Jensen囉!因為Red Hood是主角嘛~嘿嘿......真的很開心大家都抱持正面的看法,可見Jensen這次配音真是大成功!!!!! 連結:


"The Red Hood taunts him and Jensen Ackles shows he can be bitter, playful and a little bit magnificent in this role. As a huge fan of the Red Hood, I couldn't have asked for anyone better."

"This is where Ackles really starts to shine, as it's obvious he wants Batman's attention."

"I have got to compliment Ackles here again - the emotion, the broken tone and the anger in what Red Hood is doing to take out Batman is being illustrated through voice and animation in a way I wasn't sure it would be able to. It requires repeated viewing, because it just blows you away the first time, but the emotion really hits your chest after that."

"I never needed to worry that Ackles and Greenwood couldn't pull off the emotion between these two. They do it in spades, to the point my chest was a little tight."

"Jensen Ackles made the Red Hood both a threat to be taken seriously and very human, with coming out with things like "Crap!" and coming across as very down to earth."







"As far as the other voice actors go, let’s start with Jensen Ackles as the Red Hood. I thought he was AWESOME. He had that somber tone in his voice-that made you actually believe what he was saying. His speech during the finale was amazing, and really brought up an interesting question (which i’ll get to later.)."

"Finally, and most important, Jensen Ackles as Jason walks the line between hero and villain."

"Finally Jensen Ackles as Red Hood, I have no complaints whatsoever, you own the role and worked it perfectly."




Amazon: Exclusive Lithograph Cell (of the Joker)
Best Buy: Exclusive Mini Red Hood Figurine





7/21:Amazon放出來的新訪問,Jensen談到Dean和Red Hood間的相似處。








依舊是長長的一篇: 但我還是只關注一句話:XD


The best one by far is Jensen Ackles as The Red Hood. He’s snarky, he’s menacing, he’s everything you’d want from his character."










"But that’s not the case for Jensen Ackles as Red Hood he was awesome did a really good job of it by far the best voice acting in it ( I must say I really don’t like Ackles at all but in this id forgotten it was him by the end of the film so that’s a good thing ).




7/13 part 2:今天是美好的更新日。





 Supernatural‘s Jensen Ackles gets extra fanboy cred for bringing Red Hood to life and making a guy in red mask interesting.


Both Jensen Ackles as The Red Hood and Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing totally fit the bill and do one heck of a job in their respective roles -- especially the former. Ackles?really delivers the angst/anger that his part both needs and deserves.


接著IMDb上已經有關於Jensen接下明年Batman: Arkham Asylum II這個video game配音工作的傳聞: 一樣是Red hood這個角色,但未經證實,希望是真的!因為Jensen的配音真是佳評如潮啊!目前他還沒到那種會被人人奉承的地位,所以我相信他是真的配得不錯~;)


最後......好酒沉甕底,應該有些人早知道了,網路上已經出現Under the Red Hood的完整版載點,如果還沒火速珍藏的人,請飛奔前去:










接著又是一篇對Under The Red Hood的review: 不意外,Jensen又被稱讚啦!!!簡直是驕傲到無以復加了我~XD(又關妳事?!)


"The best performance is Jensen Ackles as the Red Hood. He gives the character equal parts youthful energy and cold menace, creating a memorable villain to go toe-to-toe with ol' Batty."





先放Jensen介紹這部動畫的短片,短短八秒,可是有Jensen可以看真幸福!<333 雖然這個視頻又引起了Jensen是否嗑藥或喝醉的臆測......=_= 在我看來他就只是很累罷了!大家想像力真豐富~



再來是Under the Red Hood的藍光版review,整整一大篇啊: 不過只有一句話提到Jensen,但卻讚譽有加!:)


"Then of course there is Jensen Ackles as The Red Hood, which is probably one of the strongest performances out of the entire film—really quite exceptional all around."


一句話就不用翻譯了吧?!XD Jensen, good job!!!<33333




1. A Q & A with the casting director of UNDER THE RED HOOD

2. Interview - the Executive Producer of Under the Red Hood & a clip




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