11/10:兩小時前(約當地週二下午兩點多),網友又拍到了最新拍攝照片(似乎是612?!),不過只有背面。:p 但也一樣有戲~XD 因為相冊容量之故,只放一張代表,其他兩張請各位自行觀賞。
Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/susangittins/tags/supernatural/
=== I've moved to another place === ★ In principle update everyday, according to my schedule, ALMOST Jensen-related only. ★ I love Jensen with my whole fangirl heart, as long as he's happy, I'm happy. So I'm DEFINITELY NOT a Danneel hater. Kinda like her! ★ Still support & promo SPN, but not that enthusiastic as I did before. Like all the guest stars, especially Jim, Alona, Anna, Kurt and Samantha, except Genevieve, hate her performance as Ruby 2.0, not herself. ★ Sometimes I may transfer my anger from some abominable ones of Jared's fans to himself. Trying not to do it as best as I can. ★ DO read slash fanfics, don't take them seriously anymore, though. I was a shipper ONCE, but to me now, J2 are JUST friends/brothers and nothing else. ★ Very thank and welcome everyone from all over the world. Feel free to leave anything. :))) 對以上無共鳴的朋友,"強烈"建議您略過此處,若執意閱讀,我只能說:"被雷恕不負責"! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!
11/10:兩小時前(約當地週二下午兩點多),網友又拍到了最新拍攝照片(似乎是612?!),不過只有背面。:p 但也一樣有戲~XD 因為相冊容量之故,只放一張代表,其他兩張請各位自行觀賞。
Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/susangittins/tags/supernatural/
11/5 part 2:408的幕後照,目前只有一張有Jensen。不知道是否為舊照,因為很多存了都沒仔細看過......囧
我得說再說一次,和第六季比較後,第四季顯得親切多了......我喜歡Wishful Thinking,尤其是那隻Teddy bear:CLOSE THE FRIGGIN' DOOR!!!XDDDD
Credit: http://community.livejournal.com/dean_sam/13318596.html
TV Tropes是一個fanfic相關知識的網站(吧?!)月初時在同萌看到連結,原以為是fanfic的介紹就沒多注意,後來看到米兔放了才知道是該網站對Jensen的介紹頁面。(大感謝!!!)這一篇不是訪問也不是報導,就只是描述Jensen,雖然作者對他的電影不太欣賞:p,不過整體上算是很讚揚Jensen的,所以我喜歡!XD 拖了很久......在中秋前夕把它翻出來自娛,也順便和大家分享一下,看看裡頭的文字公不公道!;)
9/20:照片日期1998.02.27,咱們十二年前還沒正式二十就受到肯定的Jensen啊!♥♥♥♥♥ 這真是很好的生日禮物~:)
Credit: http://mata090680.livejournal.com/605347.html
9/10:有網友已經收到了月曆,並拍了照和大家分享,雖然有點模糊,但想要一睹為快的可以參考看看:http://cloex-brosluvr.livejournal.com/265791.html 這裡我只放Dean版的掃圖。
7/29:可惡!動作太慢搞到第二天才更新......>< 這是同一人又放出了更多Jensen離開和回到溫哥華在機場的照片,還有他的一點文字記綠,我翻了Jensen的部分。(咦?!這不是照片帖嗎?!怎麼也有翻譯了?!XD 分類愈趨混亂,請見諒!ORZ)BTW,我喜歡Jensen拿筆的樣子,認真又可愛!<333333
Jensen's Directing Debut Card Campaign
Let's congratulate & wish Jensen luck as he directs his first SPN episode! Follow the link for details.