
Andrea Romano是這部動畫的演員導演,(Casting Director,負責尋找適合劇本的演員。通常都需要進行演員的試鏡。)她在這篇訪問中談及對Jensen幫Red Hood這個角色配音的讚美,其實整篇內容還有很多,不過因為我只關心有Jensen的部分,所以想要深入了解者,請自行連結閱讀完整內容:。而和我一樣只想知道Jensen那段的朋友,不嫌棄的話可以看看我下面粗陋的翻譯。:)




Andrea Romano:團隊當中有新手的時候,通常都蘊含著風險。特別是牽涉到對需要利用麥克風工作這方面技巧的理解。Jensen很快就上了軌道,有效地掌握了這個非常困難的角色。Red Hood是一個充滿怨恨、憤怒,幾近瘋狂的人物,很容易過度詮釋。但是Jensen卻能精準抓到角色的活力與特質。我喜愛他的表演,出來的效果沒話說。他完美地和Bruce Greenwood(蝙蝠俠的配音者)相輔相成。




QUESTION: How did Jensen Ackles perform in his maiden voyage in animation?

ANDREA ROMANO: When you get a first-timer in the booth, there are often risks involved, particularly in understanding the techniques involved in working with the microphone. Jensen picked it up so quickly and was so effective in this very difficult role. Red Hood is written as such an embittered, angry, verging-on-insane character, and it can so easily be overplayed. But Jensen found just the right level of energy and flair. I loved his acting. His quality was dead-on, and he really offers a perfect balance with Bruce (Greenwood).

As a director, you live the emotions with the actor. There’s one scene where Jensen has to let his emotions completely bubble to the surface. I had to work really hard to see my script through the tears that I was crying with him as he let his emotions come through.





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