1. CW公布了無劇透的第六季官方promo視頻~品質一如往常普通,沒有新意=_=,每次看網友自製的fanvid還比較有感覺,不過官方有行動總是件好事,代表有被關注到,還沒看過的人就欣賞一下吧!(好勉強......XD)
2. 來自TCA Summer Press Tour的劇透消息一則:http://www.tvguide.com/News/Supernatural-Honcho-Gonna-1021212.aspx 會放這個主要是我受夠了目前從美國擴散至全世界的吸血鬼熱,不是我討厭這種鬼怪,實在是因為爆紅得太沒道理讓我反感......=_= 所以就像Jensen在panel上說的,讓Dean好好地幹掉幾個吸血鬼吧!XDDDDD
7/28:這幾天找Comic con的消息找到昏頭,一些tweets都忘了放上來......,不過只是提到劇組拍攝的地點,不是太重要。:p
"wanabeyappydog saw jenson ackles from supernatural , didnt graph just watched"
"wanabeyappydog supernatural the tv show is shooting right now at 912 4th st. in new west , b.c."
"pursuit23 #Supernatural is filming at area of 10th and Canada way in burnaby..."
"pursuit23 Supernatural shooting again today in New West around 10th and Canada Way.."
1. 據之前機場照的canadagraph先生說,Jensen已經於當地時間25日晚間九點返回溫哥華。果真是馬不停蹄啊~應該Comic con結束後只能休息一下吧~可憐的小孩!
"canadagraphs Just saw #Supernatural star Jensen Ackles coming back from Comic-con #sdcc"
2. 各集標題?! So far......(http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_spnparty/260301.html)
6x01 Exile on Main Street
6x02 Two and a Half Men
6x03 The Third Man
6x04 Weekend At Bobby's
7/25 part 3:今天太高興了!所以再來錦上添花一下~XD 昨天SpoilerTV的投票,不出所料地由SPN勝出,只是不知票數是否大勝?!(這人還真貪心~:p)連結:SpoilerTV Best Show Ever 2010 Winner: Supernatural
7/25 part 2:
1. Creation明年的SPN見面會新增了兩個地點:Boston(8/5~7) & Nashville(4/29~5/2),其他狀況不明,Calendar在此:http://www.creationent.com/calendar.htm
2. 喜歡劇透的朋友,這裡有個綜合整理頁面:http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_spnparty/258459.html Enjoy!!!;)
1. 首先是Jensen離開溫哥華的tweets,他大概是當地時間周六早上八點到機場,Jared約早他一小時......然後八卦站又在分析兩人是否搭同班機,是先回LA還是直飛SD......ORZ 我說要不要那麼累啊~反正最終目的地就是Comic con嘛!呵呵~以下兩位似乎是專職守在機場堵明星簽名拍照的仁兄。XD
"canadagraphs Just got #Supernatural star Jensen Ackles to sign #autographs"
"canadagraphs #Supernatural star Jensen Ackles response when I asked about how his directing debut went "it was a lot of work""
"pursuit23 Just got Jensen Ackles still nice...heading to comic con...said he's enjoying filming this season."
2. 這則不想看的人可以無視~有人問Danneel會不會去Comic con的周日場,以下是她的回答。(其實我覺得某些人也不用對她敵意那麼深,2008那次她一樣也有去啊~愛看粉紅泡泡的人不是也享受到了?!所以我覺得J2兩人的表現和另一半有沒有在現場一點關係都沒有......而且她好不容易正名了,只要沒有干擾panel的進行,為啥不寬容點將心比心一下讓她跟呢?!)
"DanneelHarris Yep! Looking forward to it"
3. 最後是Clif在FB上的留言。看來Jensen從Rising con後回溫哥華到現在就是一整個馬不停蹄啊!難怪吃著gummy bear也開心不起來~XD 希望他能趁著兩天好好休息一下。
"Clif Kosterman we just went through the bussiest longest week I think we've ever had...tgif"
7/24:週末還能有Jensen的消息真開心,要多謝Comic con還有JustJared!呵呵~
1. 昨天SpoilerTV的投票,SPN居然又擊敗了LOST,粉絲們果然團結啊~今天是最後決戰了,對手又是The Vampire Diaries......真是令我驚訝,看了一下兩邊之前對戰的影集,VD根本就沒遇到什麼強敵嘛!反觀SPN硬仗連連,真不簡單啊~這次讓我們來個一面倒的勝利吧!!!;) The Best Show Ever 2010 Final - The Vampire Diaries vs. Supernatural
2. 一陣子不見的Danneel又推了一點點東西,有人問Jensen執導時她是不是也在,以下是回答:
"DanneelHarris I was. He was terrific! A natural."
7/23:兩個投票。其他消息就要等Comic con了吧~;)
1. Tubey Awards,請大家踴躍投票。
2. Best Show Ever Semi Final 2 - LOST vs. Supernatural:打敗X檔案後,請大家繼續支持SPN超越LOST!<333 目前兩者差8%共四百多票。;)
1. 第四&五季官方手冊開賣日期:
The Official Companion Season 4: August 24, 2010
The Official Companion Season 5:October 26, 2010
2. Spoilertv上的投票:Best Show Ever Quarter Final 4 - Supernatural vs. The X-Files,目前結果已揭曉,SPN後來居上贏了真是令我驚訝,昨晚投的時候還落後呢!X檔案過往紅極一時,不過我並沒有很喜歡,後來反而愛上SPN,真奇怪!XD
3. 根據Jim的tweet,601已於昨日殺青,不過不確定指的是他本身的戲分還是全集?!還有原來Jensen他們參加Comic con是無酬的......
"jumblejim Ah, yes, Comic-Con. Well, that's a freebie we all do for Warner Bros. so they'll keep liking us!"
"jumblejim Just wrapped Season 6, Episode 1 of Supernatural. Will I ever work again? Stay tuned!"
7/20:加拿大的Constellation Awards公布了得獎名單。
1) Best Male Performance in a 2009 Science Fiction Television Episode
4th Jensen Ackles - Supernatural "The End"
2) Best Female Performance in a 2009 Science Fiction Television Episode
3rd Alona Tal - Supernatural
3) Best Science Fiction Television Series of 2009
1st Supernatural
不知結果是專家投票還是民眾票選,不過加拿大的獎,能進前五都很厲害了,恭喜Jensen, Alona和SPN。完整名單請見:http://constellations.tcon.ca/#C1
另外,照Jim的Twitter回覆,"Exile on Main Street"應該就是601的標題了。
"jumblejim Episode 1: "Exile on Main Street" Yep."
7/19:今天依然沒啥大事。除了某人的誕辰......XD 現在美西時間剛進入19日2小時,雖然我不是大J粉,不過還是要祝福一下:
Jared, happy 28th birthday!!!
希望他婚姻幸福美滿又長久,演戲更認真事業有成,和Jensen情誼不變並能互相幫對方加分!還有,身材和臉型不要再繼續變形了......不管是變胖變壯或變高......ORZ 前兩天看了House of Wax才發現以前的他對比現在有多好看......(連New York Minute裡都順眼多了~)囧
7/18:今天沒有什麼消息。前幾天還在哀嚎今天看不到MBV,剛就在Star Movies"強檔樂一夏"的廣告中看見MBV的鏡頭,所以雖然不是這週播,我相信也沒差幾個禮拜了~喔耶!是說為啥自己已經有DVD了,還這麼想看電視播呢?!XDDD(今日自以為的新聞報告完畢!)
不過今天除了comic con似乎也沒啥其他重要消息,周末好像都是這樣的。一篇EW的報導,沒啥新意,所以我繼續偷懶不翻,呵呵~
Credit: http://community.livejournal.com/dean_sam/12618956.html#cutid1
1. 坦白說劇透看得愈多,對第六季就愈冷感,先前說天使線全結束原來一點都不是那回事兒,所以官方說法都是用來唬粉絲果然沒錯,當然為了Jensen我還是會看,不過沒有期望了......(604除外~)如果有驚喜就是我的福氣啦!訪問不短,連結在此:http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2010/07/15/supernatural-season-6-spoilers/
另外還有這次Comic-Con的special TV Guide issue中目前也流出些許劇透:(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460681/board/thread/165991338?d=166838051&p=12#166838051)
Crowley decides he doesn't want to give back Bobby's soul right away, but apparently, Bobby makes him regret it.
Kali will probably be back, though not right away.
At least one Horseman will return.
There's new mythology in the season. Heaven, Earth and Hell are all "in turmoil" (ummm, and they weren't last season?).
As reported in a side blurb, Dean is retired and "has done his best to make a new life for himself. But Sam's mysteriously out of Hell. He'd love to leave Dean to live a peaceful life--God knows the guy earned it--but he's uncovered something very disturbing and has to pull his brother back into the hunt. And Dean finds the landscape is very different from the one he left."
2. CW新投票:The Sourcies wind up the season with Best Cliffhanger
Question: Supernatural spoilers seem to be few and far between. Any chance you have any new ones to share with us? —Judy
Ausiello: Season 6 will revolve around Dean’s new life as loving husband to Lisa and doting father to Ben. I keed, I keed. Despite the domestic situation Dean found himself in at the end of last season, exec producer Eric Kripke assures me that Supernatural will continue to be about the Winchester brothers “on the road together.” That said, Kripke confirms that “Dean’s situation creates all sorts of angst and conflict. The question [we'll be] exploring is, How can you be a hunter when there are actually people that you care about? I think we will mine it for all of the emotional angst and conflict that we can. But [Lisa] is not — nor is anyone — going to be riding in the backseat of the Apollo with Sam or Dean.”
1. 今早睡前在Star World看到Star Movies本周日晚間要播映MBV的廣告,害我興奮地跳起來查節目表(http://www.starmoviesasia.tv/Movies/MyBloodyValentine/Guide),結果發現......台灣和亞洲其他國家是不同版本的Star Movies=_=|||,我們這裡要播的是The Proposal(http://www.starmoviesasia.tv/Movies/TheProposal/Guide),雖然我也很想看,不過......俺滴MBV啊~~~~~其他地方的朋友你們有福了!!!極度嫉妒......><
2. Teen Choice Awards的投票還在進行中,請"恢復"青少年的身分繼續支持一下吧!;)
3. 繼Jim留言604殺青後,Clif也在FB上說了:
"Clif Kosterman J A is all finished his directorial debut. Sounds like and looks like he did an awesome job."
7/13 part 2:補充。;)
1. 首先就是之前的Tubey Awards,現在只剩下三個獎項:Best Non-Romantic Relationship & Best Family Relationship,請繼續支持。另外一個是不好的,所以不提了。(雖然我也很想投......=_=)
2. 照Jim四小時前的tweet看來,Jensen導的那集殺青了:
"jumblejim Wrapped "Weekend at Bobby's" today & it looks like I've got a gig on a new series--will know more tomorrow. Packing for home."
7/13:感謝貼心的網路公司,讓我被迫離開網路了一整天......=_= 幸好昨天好像也沒有太多消息,所以今天一起更新。:)
1. 沒想到SPN果然和Smallville在周五晚間的時段合作後有發揮到一定的效果?!(連結:http://www.winchesterbros.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5992&Itemid=2)雖然現在只是重播,希望第六季開始後能有更好的成績。不過評論雖然是事實:"you don't tie with The CW if you're one of "The Big Four." Even if you were just throwing a repeat out there on a Friday as filler.""還是讓人有點囧啊!ORZ
3. 繼續投票:CW Sourcies: Favorite Bad Boy,這次主角可是Dean啊!大家請衝~~~XD 別忘了往下繼續支持其他尚未結束的項目。
4. 第六季1~3集的劇透,有興趣的請自己參考:http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_spnparty/251075.html 我只放上集數的名稱。
602 Exile on Main Street(記得之前是601的標題?!可能順序有更動......)
603 Two And A Half Men(這是......取自某影集嗎?!:p)
1. Samantha和她最近客串604的朋友Jennifer Aspen都有表示Jensen是個好導演!:) 真驕傲啊~(關妳啥事?!)
"samanthajferris Had lunch my buddy who just shot SPN episode. NOT saying anthying other than this: 1) Jensen was a great director...2) Blood everywhere!"
"GiveKendraASong just one fantastic one. And Jensen is worth your admiration. And of course I'm going to Whistler!"(這是粉絲問她是否只客串一集,並推薦她去Whistler~)
2. 這裡有一些最近關於第六季的劇透消息整理:http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2010/07/supernatural-fred-lehne-returns-as-azazel-plus-jensen-ackles-is-a-great-director.html
3. The CW Source的投票還在繼續,新項目是:The Sourcies Plays Favorites with Best Recurring Character(點擊),別忘了支持一下Bobby, Castiel and Gabriel。還有上次的The Sourcies is ROTFL with Funniest Moment貌似還可以投喔~;)
7/10 part 2:老骨頭快散了的Jim又推了......XD
"Another week of work finished at 330 Sat morning. Headed home, covered in blood. Should be clean & asleep by 5 or 530."
"Home from work as the sun comes up. Body all achin' and wracked wit' pain. Get up Monday mornin' and do it again."
1. Creation為其主辦的所有SPN見面會開的FB:Salute to Supernatural(點擊進入)
2. 根據EP的消息,溫哥華場的拍賣結果分別是:
前排票: $1250
Q&A : $765
VIP : $1000
3. 一位最近才轉職的前SPN劇組人員發了幾則有關Jensen的tweets:
"Ery time Jensen used my computer he would leave it on a porn page. Then he'd hide to see (or hear) my reaction."
"No, my computer was lil' porn virgin til' it met Jensen. Now it's a little too knowledgeable for my liking. (:"
"Jensen would use my computer then, as a parting gift, put my browser on a porn pg. He never downloaded anything."
Jensen這招是向Dean學的嗎?!還是他把自己惡作劇的招術傳給Dean了?!XDDD 這個小姐後來還說了Misha更糟,因為他用完後會把她之前開的所有網頁都關掉,只留下Twitter,但Jensen就沒注意到她有在推。(Had to warn Yr Overlord to leave my Twitter tab alone. Jensen didn't notice it.)因為和Jensen沒啥關係就不放上來了,有興趣知道前因後果的人可以自己去看看:http://twitter.com/vancouvernights
7/9 part 2:感覺快要累死的可憐的Jim又留言了......:p
"Haven't had a major all-out fight scene in years. Halfway through this one and I'm feeling pain in places I didn't know I had places. Fun!"
"Season 6, Episode 1 is next for everybody, including me."(這一句是有人問他拍完604後接著要拍哪集的回覆。)
"Jim Beaver Another hot 17-hour day, with a big fight scene at the end of it. Home at 1 a.m., we'll finish the fight tomorrow. When you pull off your shirt and it drips onto the floor, you know it's been a warm day."
7/9:Clif的推:"bodyguard4JandJ i'll just hang in the director's trailer while he works hehe"
破Jensen only的例放另外一推:"Jared still has his lovely flowing lochs of hair lol"所以意思是Jard還是那一頭亂髮囉?!我說Jared啊~你難道不覺得那髮型囧到家嗎?!讓你看起來髮線超高又老氣......=_=||| 看在你老婆眼光的份上改個造型吧!!!ORZ 不過如果是她的意見,那我就不予置評了......只是Sam真是愈來愈像Dean的哥哥~~~囧RZ
7/8:首先恭喜西班牙進入世足決賽!XD 我不是粉絲,不過Jensen在Rising con有穿過他們的隊服,所以順便開心一下......哈哈~(此人熬夜過度已瘋)
1. 咱們的Crowley大叔也發推了:"Mark_Sheppard I hear that Jensen guy's a good director..."好想看Jensen導戲的樣子啊~~~(翻滾)
2. 第六季的明信片活動又開始了,詳請請見:http://community.livejournal.com/spn_postcards/19641.html 錯過上次慶祝Jensen執導的人,這次可要把握機會喔!:p 兩種都參加當然是最好啦!;)
3. Jim的推:"jumblejim The heatwave hit Vancouver today, and between being sunbaked and allergy-stricken, I'd just as soon have skipped today."果真世界各地都在燃燒中......
7/7 part 2:Jim的tweet:"Second 17-hour day in a row. I love work, but woof."感覺Bobby的戲份真的很重啊~
1. CW自家的投票:The Sourcies is ROTFL with Funniest Moment(直接點擊),之前有幾項都輸給了The Vampire Diaries,不過個人認為主要是因為替SPN選擇的項目不對,害我都投不下手,這一次就絕無懸念了!XD
2. 今年溫哥華場的前排票也開始拍賣:http://www.creationent.com/auctions/detail.asp?id=486,起標200美金,現在則增加到350美金。看了一下之前的VIP和Q&A的情況,好像都沒有預期中會標得很高,是因為時間還久的關係嗎?不過拍賣不是有限時?!希望不是因為大家已經被Creation搞得意興闌珊......
7/6 part 2:Clif也在去接J2上工之前發了個推,不是很重要,不過總是從劇組傳來的一言半語,沒魚蝦也好,所以我還是很阿Q地欣然接受了。:p
"Hello Gang, our new director rocks. Hope you are all doing well."
她三小時前發了一個推:"Second best thing about being the director's wife: They bring you plates full of candy! Yay!"還附了張滿盤糖果的照片。(沒Jensen我就不放了~XD)可想而知她應該去探班了,可能在拍攝電影的空檔中吧!Rising con她沒能去,也是時候現身給Jensen一點支持了!:p Jensen最近忙翻天,有家人能幫他打氣一定很開心。持續期待Jensen的成果中~:)
我想她的First best thing應該就是being the director's wife本身了吧?!可惡~再嫉妒一下!!!XDDD
Best Show Ever,這已經是第二輪,目前是SPN v.s. Mad Men。

Tater Top Awards,票選心目中的drama king!;) 獎項單純,投票方式也很簡單,閒來無事的人請移步支持Jensen!目前他得票落後於House的主角。
BACKSTAGE VIP PASSES - 限量十名,250美金起標。
PRIVATE 30 minute Q&A- 限量20名,500美金起標。
"Having watched lots of TV stars at work, I knew being the single lead on a series is the hardest job in the acting biz. Getting a taste now."
"Long, hard, exhausting day today. Tomorrow will be worse. 8 pages of thick dialog that I'm too tired to learn tonight. In the a.m. maybe."
"I haven't worked this hard in a long, long time. I haven't enjoyed work this much in a long time, either."
1. Twitter上有人發起為Jensen首次執導慶祝的活動,現在溫哥華當地時間還是6/30,所以沒空寄卡片但有帳號的人不妨趕快在你的推掛上#jensenacklesday的tag替他加油打氣!<333(連Jim, Amy & Colin都已經共襄盛舉囉!;))
2. Clif Kosterman:and away we go , 175 more get ups.(不是很重要,不過還是順便提一下~:p)
3. 第六季首播時間:9/24,周五晚間九點,亦即我們的9/25。(來源:http://blog.cwtv.com/2010/06/30/the-cw-network-announces-fall-premiere-dates-2/)