



1. "暫定"的19期雜誌封面。(詳情請見來源:變異版Jared的臉打上青光真的好恐怖啊!ORZ



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2. Jim在Twitter上提到Jensen的那一集,604又一票耶!真是讓人猜不透啊~XD 不過反正劇組也常常調整集數的順序啦!我只要可以看到Jensen執導就好。:) 另外,希望第六季的DVD裡,這一集可以有身為導演的Jensen講評!;)(會不會想太早)


"In Vancouver. SPN season 6 starts tomorrow with episode 4 (!) w/Jensen Ackles directing. I WON'T tweet details, so don't ask! It's great!"(時間是溫哥華的6/29,所以寫的是"明天")

"We're doing #4 first because a director needs a week of prep b4 an episode, & Jensen can only get that week by going first."



3. 第六季又有官方放出的回歸人物:飾演外公的Mitch Pileggi!因為除了對Jensen執導比較有興趣外,基本上本人對第六季不抱太大期望,所以相關消息或劇透都不會翻譯,欲知詳情請自行連結: 另外,還有陸續關於SFX雜誌對EK等人訪問的最新消息,連結在此: 裡面對我最重要的一段話大概就是Sera說的:“The show has never really been about God and the Devil, or angels and demons, it’s a show about Sam and Dean. We’re going to go from the epic back to a more intimate story."雖然一點都不相信,不過還是希望有奇蹟發生......=_=





4. Tubey Awards又有新獎項了......(還真多=_=)連結:

Best Single Episode - Drama 
+ Supernatural - "Dark Side of the Moon"
+ Supernatural - "The End"這是一定的!!!)
+ Supernatural - "Changing Channels"

Supporting Actor/Actress Most Deserving of a Starring Role on TV
+ Mark Sheppard - Supernatural/Chuck/Leverage

+ Misha Collins - Supernatural

Best Death Scene
+ Castiel - Supernatural
+ Dean Winchester - Supernatural(其實Jo&Ellen那場戲我也很感動,不過沒辦法,我就是比較愛Dean。XD)
+ Jo & Ellen Harvelle - Supernatural
+ Zachariah - Supernatural

Best Line of Dialogue
+ "Calm down? I am wearing sunglasses at night! You know who does that? No talent douchebags! I hate this game. I hate that we're in a procedural cop show, and you want to know why? Because I hate procedural cop shows! There's like 300 of them on television, and they're all the freaking same! It's 'Oh, plane crashed here," oh, shut up!" - Dean, Supernatural(話說Dean的"佳句"還真不少......)
+ "Hey - Assbutt!" - Castiel, Supernatural
+ "In Heaven I have six wings and four faces, one of which is a lion." - Zachariah, Supernatural
+ "Oh, thank God. The angels are here" - Dean, Supernatural
+ "The last time you zapped me someplace, I didn't poop for a week! We're driving!" Dean Winchester , Supernatural
+ "This isn't funny, Dean! The voice says I'm almost out of minutes!" - Castiel, Supernatural
“Cas. We’ve talked about this. Personal space?” - Dean Winchester, Supernatural
“Sam, of course, is an abomination.” - Castiel, Supernatural

Best "Hell Yeah" Moment
+ Supernatural - Dean kills Zachariah
+ Supernatural - Dean Winchester driving into the cemetary with Def Leppard blaring on the Impala's tape deck(這是我個人認為522中少之又少的幾個亮點之一!)

Best WTF Moment
+ Supernatural - Dean being able to kill Zach and staring at Angel grace
+ Supernatural - The Trickster is actually archangel Gabriel(這是我唯一沒有投給Dean的項目)

Best Pop Culture Reference
+ Supernatural - Dean kills a vampire and says, "Eat it, 'Twilight'!"
+ Supernatural - Sam's "homage" to Horatio Caine in Changing Channels
+ Supernatural - The Impala as KITT in the Knight Rider sequence of the Changing Channels episode
+ Supernatural - "Grey's Anatomy" parody

Best Unexpected Plot Twist
+ Supernatural - Bela never gave the Colt to Lilith
+ Supernatural - Death wants Dean to defeat Lucifer

Best Family Relationship
+ Winchesters - Supernatural(這是我最初支持SPN的原因)



Worst Single Episode - Drama
+ Supernatural - "Fallen Idols"
+ Supernatural - "Hammer of the Gods"其實這題很想複選,不過最後還是美國人的自大贏了......=_=)
+ Supernatural - "Swan Song"
+ Supernatural - "Swap Meat"
+ Supernatural - "The End"

Worst Payoff
+ Supernatural - Demon blood saves the world
+ Supernatural - Michael and Lucifer argue in a field and then fall in a hole as a payoff for the whole apocalypse storyline(實在不予置評......)
+ Supernatural - No mytharc for Dean Winchester
+ Supernatural - The Apocalypse

Most Wrongly Underused Character
+ Castiel - Supernatural
+ Dean Winchester - Supernatural(不太確定獎項含意,不過不管是過度使用或未善加利用,我都覺得是Dean,因為編劇的關係......)
+ Gabriel - Supernatural
+ Lucifer - Supernatural
+ Meg Masters - Supernatural
+ Michael - Supernatural
+ Sam Winchester - Supernatural

Most Redemptive Character in a Sucky Show
+ Castiel - Supernatural
+ Dean Winchester - Supernatural(自首!忍不住還是去投了這項......ORZ)

Most Ludicrous Plotline
+ Supernatural - Sam comes up with a plan to trap Lucifer that involves him doing everything that his bro spent the last two seasons trying to get him to stop doing, and everyone around him is suddenly okay with this plan, which works only because a flash of light reflecting off a car momentarily distracts Lucifer(怨念滿天飛......)
+ Supernatural - God is the writer Chuck, who no angel in creation was able to find despite the fact that they were all hanging out in his house every three episodes

Worst Retcon
+ Supernatural - Chuck was God all along
+ Supernatural - Dean has a son
+ Supernatural - Dean is out of the mytharc, is no longer Michael's true vessel or the one to end it, and is replaced by new brother Adam and a car.(再度怨念......=_=)
+ Supernatural - Sam really does need demon bloog to be strong
+ Supernatural - Season 4 canon erased out of existence
+ Supernatural - The Trickster ws actually another angel
+ Supernatural - The Yellow Eyed Demon did not kill Jessica

Neverending Subplot Most in Need of Resolution
+ Supernatual - Demon, angels, and apocalypses
+ Supernatural - Is Sam Winchester tainted or not?



6/29 part 2:From Clif:"176 shooting days start tomorrow.


溫哥華當地時間6/30將正式開拍,現在Jim正在LAX等著飛去。:)(sitting in the lounge at LAX waiting for my plane, watching Paraguay and Japan score penalties.)







1. 601名稱:Exile on Main Street(來源:


2. 除了之前官方宣布的Bobby&Cas第六季將會回歸外,還有誰呢?!根據第198期的SFX雜誌對EK&SG及其他編劇的訪問:


"There's also been talk in the writers' room about how to bring The Trickster (Archangel Gabriel) back."

"they claim that Crowley will be in a lot of season six (perhaps as the season’s Big Bad?). There’s also talk of bringing back Death the Horseman, the Trickster, and Ellen and Jo (as ghosts). Chuck, however, will apparently not show up, nor will there be any explanation of his mysterious vanishing act at the end of “Swan Song”."


另外,關於前幾天"TOP 10 PRIME TIME TV HUNKS OF ALL TIME!!!"的投票結果出爐,Jensen是第八名,這屬於小眾票選,所以結果僅供參考。不過我對於版主有些微詞,Jensen這麼多性感和帥氣的照片不用,居然挑了張合成照,真是不專業!!!!!=_= 雖然也很養眼,但我個人強烈認為Jensen本人更惹火!!!!!<33333 對其他名次有興趣的人可點圖片進入。









1. Netflix透露第六季的大致走向,有重回第一季的"感覺"?!鑑於網路說法一向都很籠統,所以我就不翻內容了。

After fighting Lucifer himself, courageous demon-hunting brothers Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) return for more thrilling adventures and mysteries, pursuing vicious fiends, vampires, spirits and ghouls in order to protect mankind. Season 6 of this paranormal drama series sees the two siblings attempting to overcome dangerous traps, double-crossing allies, monstrous murderers and impossible odds.


2. Tubey Awards:這個票選已經進行一陣子了,看到獎項這麼複雜原本不想放上來,不過既然Richard都在幫忙拉票,感覺還蠻慎重的,那我就共襄盛舉一下!;p 連結: 總共有24個獎項,當然不是每個都和SPN有關,我把自己有投的部分放出來,其他有些比較不好的項目我就省略了,大家可以參考後自行進入網頁慢慢選擇。

Favorite Character
Bobby Singer - Supernatural
Castiel - Supernatural
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Sam Winchester - Supernatural

Best Badass
Castiel - Superantural
Dean Winchester - Supernatural

Favorite Actor
Jensen Ackles - Supernatural(別的不投,這個一定要投!!!XD)
Misha Collins - Supernatural
Jared Padalecki - Supernatural

Best Performance by an Inanimate Object
Dean's thigh holster - Supernatural
Metallicar - Supernatural

Best Guest Star
Kurt Fuller - Supernatural(說實在這項目挺難選,這幾個人的表現都很好,不過見面會後我對Kurt的印象非常好,所以只好對不起我最喜歡的女角Jo了~><)
Mark Pellegrino - Supernatural
Mark Sheppard - Supernatural
Richard Speight, Jr - Supernatural
Alona Tal - Supernatural

Most Overhyped Big Name Guest Appearance
Paris Hilton - Supernatural(其實這個選項可有可無啦!樓下的那位我不知道是誰耶?!囧)
Michael Shanks - Supernatural

Best Season Finale

Best HoYay! Couple
Dean and Castiel - Supernatural(呃......我知道有人支持C/D,但請原諒我這裡真的投不下去......=_=|||)

Best Non-Romantic Relationship
Dean and Castiel - Supernatural(這個還稍微好一點......)

Worst Crime Against Fashion
Jared Padalecki's hair - Supernatural(Jared的頭髮已經誇張到一種程度了......ORZ)
Samifer's white suit and shoes - Supernatural


3. Top 10 Prime Time TV Hunks OF ALL TIME:還是投票。不過人選是自己填的,詳情請見: 有三種投票方式,

*直接在網頁底下留言,寫出你心目中的人選:Jensen Ackles!!!(我在洗腦,哈哈~)


*有Twitter的人,mention "JimHalterman"(即發推時先在前頭打上@JimHalterman)






6/25:Clif又發言了:" Our new director is loving his new job.


Jensen you go!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥<33333♥♥♥♥♥♥♥











Question: Any spoilers on season 6 of Supernatural? —Shira

Ausiello: I hear the show’s fourth episode back — the one directed by Jensen Ackles — will be Bobby-centric and feature a character named Marcy Ward. Described as attractive in a down-to-earth/woman-next-door way, Marcy is a capable homemaker with a crush on her neighbor.


為保持神祕性索性不翻譯。:p(懶妳就承認嘛!)所以,Jensen導的那集是以Bobby為中心應該確定了,因為之前Jim也有提到要和Jensen待在一起兩個星期(I'll be spending a LOT of time with Jensen in two weeks!)。不過,到底是603還604就是個羅生門啦!XD 原本Jensen講的應該是最正確才對,但目前幾乎其他人說的都是604是怎麼回事啊?!呵呵~Jensen是你記錯了還是其實你要導兩集呢!?嘿嘿~






6/23:Clif說"our new director has a fluffy"所以,Jensen還是Rising con上的一臉大鬍子樣囉?!:p







6/22:Clif在溫哥華當地時間6/21早上九點於facebook(上宣布:"Here we go Gang, season 6 begins it's journey today.









6/20:前幾天有人公布了604的名稱是"Weekend At Bobby's"。(不過之前有人提過Jensen那集的內容是關於Bobby的,但Jensen自己又說他導的是603,所以這個名稱到底是603還604呢?!或Jensen執導的到底是不是有關Bobby的呢?!(現在是繞口令嗎?!)我想大家只能wait & see......只希望Jensen不要太累了。:)






6/15 part 2:請點圖進入TCA的投票頁面,網站要註冊,但僅需填Email和出生年月日,不過因為是青少年的票選活動,貌似13~19足歲者才能投,因為本人照實選擇年份卻被拒絕......(唉~)所以自動減去十年!XD 有時間的人可以支持一下。:)









2. TCA提名SPN為Choice TV Show: Fantasy/Sci-Fi。完整名單見連結。


Choice TV Show: Fantasy/Sci-Fi
The Vampire Diaries

Choice TV Actor: Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Josh Holloway, Lost
Joshua Jackson, Fringe
Ryan Kwanten, True Blood
Tom Welling, Smallville
Paul Wesley, The Vampire Diaries


先恭喜一下SPN的入圍,即使獲獎機會渺茫......=_= 但為啥演員的部分又沒有Jensen?!對於這個部分我非常非常有意見,雖然已經習慣於大家因為Jensen的外表而忽略他精湛演技的事實,但每次看到提名演員的名單還是會替他極度極度不值......為啥就是不能拋卻這種刻板印象呢?!真的很遺憾~即使Jensen的成功不需要靠獎項證明,但這是他應得的東西,有眼睛的人都看得出來他的實力&努力。雖然沒看過The Vampire Diaries,但我個人認為Jensen在SPN的表現絕對絕對勝過那裏面的兩兄弟!(在此向VD粉道歉)不能因為劇集小眾就理所當然地忽略啊~可惡的美國青少年流行文化趨勢!(咆嘯)


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    My private Jensen world

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