Monster Movie有新增的劇照。有幾張我不確定,因為劇照方面我一向都很糊塗......囧 我會放連結,大家自己進去斟酌存或是直接全部下載吧!:p
Jensen/Dean的近照&特寫對我來說永遠是像上天的禮物般完美......<3 我喜歡405~這種裝扮的Dean可愛到爆點......XD
=== I've moved to another place === ★ In principle update everyday, according to my schedule, ALMOST Jensen-related only. ★ I love Jensen with my whole fangirl heart, as long as he's happy, I'm happy. So I'm DEFINITELY NOT a Danneel hater. Kinda like her! ★ Still support & promo SPN, but not that enthusiastic as I did before. Like all the guest stars, especially Jim, Alona, Anna, Kurt and Samantha, except Genevieve, hate her performance as Ruby 2.0, not herself. ★ Sometimes I may transfer my anger from some abominable ones of Jared's fans to himself. Trying not to do it as best as I can. ★ DO read slash fanfics, don't take them seriously anymore, though. I was a shipper ONCE, but to me now, J2 are JUST friends/brothers and nothing else. ★ Very thank and welcome everyone from all over the world. Feel free to leave anything. :))) 對以上無共鳴的朋友,"強烈"建議您略過此處,若執意閱讀,我只能說:"被雷恕不負責"! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!
Monster Movie有新增的劇照。有幾張我不確定,因為劇照方面我一向都很糊塗......囧 我會放連結,大家自己進去斟酌存或是直接全部下載吧!:p
Jensen/Dean的近照&特寫對我來說永遠是像上天的禮物般完美......<3 我喜歡405~這種裝扮的Dean可愛到爆點......XD