感謝JAC的Gillian親找到這篇訪問,話說最近的非英文資料還真多......XD 幸好都有熱心的網友翻成英文,雖然文法或語意上就會變得有點"詭異"(當然"極度"可能是我英文太爛=_=),不過能看到Jensen的相關消息還是很開心! 所以,還是只挑了提到Jensen的部分翻,感覺依然不難,但翻到最後"照往例"變得有點語焉不詳......持續請看倌們見諒~囧RZ
Do you feel, but not reduced to a buddy of Jensen Ackles to be?
Of course! :) Honestly, when I moved to LA and we were friends, it was not Jensen Ackles INTERNATIONAL STAR! He was a cool guy from Texas has played in some of which I have never seen. It was fun to develop his career and his success in sight, but he still behaves like the cool type from Texas.