1.07 - Temptation of Demon (New Episode)
Maria, a faithful Christian is lured by a yellow-eyed demon to become its servant in return of curing her sick daughter. She refuses at first, but is quickly drawn in.
1.08 - Everlasting Love (New Episode)
Multiple homicides in Illinois. The victims are all blond women in their 20s and the crimes scenes leave traces of formaldehyde. Sam and Dean discover fingerprints of a female who died in 1940. A tragic love story of a mad doctor.
10/8:動畫版的最新預告~是說那個日文腔的Carry On My Wayward Son聽起來有點囧啊~氣勢馬上就差一大截......ORZ
9/17:看不懂的日文消息......ORZ 詳細請點圖,裡面還有介紹文字。另增最新兩集劇情描述。
感謝AgtSpooky,Credit to Andreas_ri。
1.05 - Ghost on the Highway (New Episode)
Sam and Dean are driving along the highway and are suddenly chased by a cop car from behind. They discover that there have been numerous unexplainable car accidents in the area. All accident involved a Chevy Impala. Sam and Dean have to investigate to prove themselves innocent. We discover that an evil spirit has taken the form of an Impala is trying to take revenge on the town.
1.06 - Bloody Mary (New Episode)
Back in 2004, when Sam was studying at Stanford. Sam hears about a suspicious death case occurred in Stanford from Jessica, a girl he's becoming friendly with. John and Dean smell something evil in the case and start investigating behind Sam's college life. They first presume that it is caused by a ghost called "Bloody Mary" but it turns out to be caused by a different ghost.
1.03 - Home (Original Episode)
After 22 years, Sam and Dean return to their childhood home. Now another beautiful young mother lives there - and, if Sam's nightmares are correct, she may be threatened by the same evil that killed Mary Winchester.
1.04 - Blood of Beast (New Episode)
Sam and Dean help out a young boy, who is being bullied by the older kids at school. We discover that the boy's father is actually a "peaceful" vampire who has sworn not to attack humans and survived by drinking cattle blood. The boy also has vampire blood in him but he is just not yet aware of his true nature.
8/6 part 2:新增動畫預告&頭兩集劇情大綱。
看了預告怎麼更覺得和原來的SPN是兩回事啊?!囧 不過確實有驚悚的感覺,基於本人是恐怖迷,即使人物不像,我應該也會捧場!XD BTW,我喜歡最後那個轉動的"O"......:p
01.01 Skin
A demonic shape-shifter commits a gruesome murder. When the brothers investigate, the being borrows Dean's from to continue its killing spree.
01.02 Roadkill
The highway's the only haunted once a year and we got 'till sunup to wrap things up!" Sam, Dean and a near-victim race the earth’s rotation to vanquish a ghost who kills on the anniversary of his death.
Vol1 is vid only. (ep1~2)
Box1 (ep3~12)
1. episode commentary by J2.
2. J2 interview.
3. Anime making Part 1.
4. staff interview.
5. director commentary.
Box2 (ep13~22)
1. episode commentary by J2.
2. Anime making Part 2.
3. J2 dubbing episode
4. Director commentary Part 2
5. trailers
Blu-ray only extra : J2 dubbing scene(好賊的小日本~XD)
Credit: http://wwws.warnerbros.co.jp/supernatural/
應該大部分的人都看過日本網站新出的圖了吧!好像大家都說未上色前的人設比較有味道......XD 我是還好,反正既然注定畫不出Jensen!Dean,只要不要太離譜我都可以接受。ontd_spnparty上說圖是照著第一季畫的,大家看看像不像呢?!
7/14:動畫的相關綜合消息:http://fandomania.com/supernatural-anime-coming-in-2011/ 不過除了Jensen可能會替角色配音這一點外,我實在沒啥興趣,所以請自己連過去看吧!:)
坦白說還真有種要看灌籃高手的感覺......XDDD 之前就有人說Sam的樣子像流川楓,一開始也覺得Dean看著有點眼熟,沒想到就是"仙道"啊!哈哈~那這樣我就可以想像為何Jess會長得像已經當上班族的彩子了(欲見圖請至:http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Supernatural_Anime)......:D 乾脆把Bobby畫成安西教練或是Jo畫成晴子更有親切感,呵呵。(此人已瘋...... ORZ)
Credit: http://twitpic.com/1x3doc&http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=File:Samanime.jpg
6/11:其實自己現在沒有太愛看動畫,不過這算是SPN的大事之一,所以還是要放消息。:p 更新製作團隊&聲優陣容以及劇情概略&發行日期。
連結一:http://ccsx.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... animation-20110112/
然後繼續閱讀無能的我,又借(偷?!)了同萌shinelitter&takumisai親的整理文字,相關討論串請見:http://www.wincest.net/viewthread.php?tid=2708&extra=&page=1 概述如下:
1. staff/producer:
監督1:宮繁之《魯邦三世 GREEN VS RED》《零秒出手》《青色文學 – 心》
監督2:いしづかあつこ《NANA》《青色文學 – 蜘蛛之絲、地獄變》
系列構成/腳本:高山直也《日劇 – 急診室大醫生第4季》
2. cast:
哥哥 Dean(ディーン):東地宏樹
弟弟 Sam(サム): 内田夕夜
3. "第一季"全22話OVA
4. date:(有兩種說法,尚不確定)
1 月12 日⇒ Vol.1-3(第1-6 話)レンタル開始/Vol.1(第1-2 話)發售
2 月 2 日⇒ Vol.4-6(第7-12 話)レンタル開始/BOX1(第3-12 話)發售
3 月 2 日⇒ Vol.7-9(第13-18 話)レンタル開始
4 月 6 日⇒ Vol.10-11(第19-22 話)レンタル開始/BOX2(第13-22 話)發售
6/10 part 2:SPN在日本的影響力果然非同小可,動畫化的消息居然上了日版的Yahoo新聞!(拇指)不過依然閱讀日文無能,所以請各位自行移駕:http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20100610-00000024-flix-movi
6/10:因為本人日文閱讀無能,所以請各位語言達人自行點擊圖片連結至日本華納官方網站了解詳細情況。>3< 目前就我所知,好像是要在明年一月發行日版的SPN的動畫(嗎?!)我得說,日本真的非常挺SPN&Jensen!!!看看人家的網站和為第五季DVD發行做的宣傳片......嚴重嫉妒啊~~~><