因為想翻的部分有些專業術語,所以本人的懶病就發作了......囧 僅將重要內容節錄於下,有興趣的人可以連去看全文。
The Picture
Seasons One thru Three were shot on 35mm film, and the results here are quite good for TV on Blu-ray. Dimly-lit and misty scenes--which comprise most of the series--are generally solid, blacks look natural with fine details in some shots, although the image can lean toward the soft, and out-of-focus areas of the 1.78:1 frame can show noise. Special effects are usually brief but of excellent quality.
The Sound
The audio is mere Dolby Digital 5.1, and a bit timid at that. There's a little surround fill, some modest directionality for cars driving past, discrete front-channel placement of doors closing off-camera, etc. As often happens, music is the big winner here, both the original score and remixed classic tunes which are big, full and engaging. Otherwise the sound is decidedly front-heavy, although scary/action scenes are mixed bigger, busier and louder overall.
The Extras
New for Blu is "The Devil's Road Map: Interactive Map Guide to Season One's Urban Legends and Unusual Facts," chock full of new creator interviews, show clips and more, in an elaborate navigate-and-click interface. It covers every episode, and also allows us to follow the same route taken by The Winchesters. A tremendous amount of work went into this, right down to the virtual thumbtacks to indicate that we've already viewed something. And upgraded from the old DVD-ROM weblink is shiny new BD-Live connectivity on Disc Four.
Final Thoughts
It's great to see Warner going and back and reissuing classic seasons of series like Supernatural on Blu-ray. Brandon DuHamel reviewed Season Three, and that leaves Season Two as the only set either unannounced or unreleased on high-def disc. The First Season quickly reveals the reasons for show's popularity (Season Six begins this fall), I only wish that the audio had been upgraded along with everything else.
Credit: http://www.movieweb.com/dvd/DV4PNd59lL7674/VIBQiHDF1VrzFG
個人感覺兩項都不太吸引我......=_= 第一項是互動式的惡魔資訊地圖,這裡有一段EK的介紹短片,大家可以參考一下:
如果是前三季的我,可能會把它當作購買動力之一,不過現在......=_= (希望裡面的special夠特別~)
第二項是有名的Paley座談會,稍微資深的粉絲應該都知道。這倒是一定要收藏的一場活動,我超愛裡頭J2兩人的互動!還可以看到Jensen可愛的"DO-DO"......XDDD 以及他和Kim令人懷念的良好互動......總之非常經典!如果沒欣賞過的人,光看在這項的份上就應該用力敗下去!!!(蓋章)但本人之前又下載過低調版......所以感覺上吸引力不大......最重要的是,去年敗過第三季藍光的我,到現在還是沒有可以播放的機器,所以目前為止純屬買心酸的......~>O<~ 但是,我還是會買!(這人欠不欠揍......)為了收藏高畫質的Jensen,Amazon特價期時還是會出手。因為人家始終秉持著終有一天看得見的信念!!!ORZ Jensen,因為你值得!<33333