猶記得去年咱們的哥倆好叱吒了排行榜,(Wanna refresh your memory?!http://www.buddytv.com/slideshows/tvs-50-sexiest-men-of-2008.aspx)今年情況呢?!(http://www.buddytv.com/slideshows/tvs-100-sexiest-men-of-2009-511-20977.aspx)首先當然要大力灑花恭喜Jensen,在多如過江之鯽的強敵兼後浪環伺之下,仍能突破重圍小幅上升一個名次,來到第六名!!!!!(請問我可以轉圈嗎?!XD)
#6 Jensen Ackles, Supernatural
After a rough transition out of Hell, Jensen's Dean Winchester finally stepped up and started to fight back, not letting the Apocalypse bring him down. His TV brother may have turned a little evil, but Dean straightened him out and proved why he's the older, wiser and better looking brother.
#29 Misha Collins, Supernatural
If all angels looked this good, we'd hurry up to get to Heaven. Misha Collins manages to make a trench coat look sexy, and in 2009 he moved from a dull, stiff angel to a serious and hilarious supporting character.
最後是這次唯一的小遺憾,去年Jared可是堂堂的冠軍,看了旁白的文字他今年可能是因為被第四季劇情拖累而大幅滑落至第41名,此為非戰之罪,所以Jared迷不要氣餒啊!能在50名之內都還是很有實力滴,看看名單上好多人都跌出50名外了呢!例如:去年20名的Mr. Murray~XD(Chad迷請見諒!)第五季的Sam絕對可以讓下一次的Jared絕地大反攻!;)
#41 Jared Padalecki, Supernatural
Last year Jared was our top pick, so why the steep fall? Well, his character on Supernatural spent most of 2009 drinking demon blood, fighting his brother, starting the Apocalypse and growing some hideous sideburns. He's still one hot guy, but we're hoping he turns it around for 2010.
P.S. 在此要特別再替Angela恭喜一下D叔,從23名躍升至第14名,真是不簡單啊!雖然Bones我還沒開始看(囧),不過由fanfic中得來的好印象還是想為他拍拍手!XD
#14 David Boreanaz, Bones