=== I've moved to another place === ★ In principle update everyday, according to my schedule, ALMOST Jensen-related only. ★ I love Jensen with my whole fangirl heart, as long as he's happy, I'm happy. So I'm DEFINITELY NOT a Danneel hater. Kinda like her! ★ Still support & promo SPN, but not that enthusiastic as I did before. Like all the guest stars, especially Jim, Alona, Anna, Kurt and Samantha, except Genevieve, hate her performance as Ruby 2.0, not herself. ★ Sometimes I may transfer my anger from some abominable ones of Jared's fans to himself. Trying not to do it as best as I can. ★ DO read slash fanfics, don't take them seriously anymore, though. I was a shipper ONCE, but to me now, J2 are JUST friends/brothers and nothing else. ★ Very thank and welcome everyone from all over the world. Feel free to leave anything. :))) 對以上無共鳴的朋友,"強烈"建議您略過此處,若執意閱讀,我只能說:"被雷恕不負責"! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!
- Jul 31 Sat 2010 08:31
Guess who's the one Jensen kissed at EW/Syfy party?!
- Jul 30 Fri 2010 11:54
Breaking TCA 2010 News
本來不想放這則消息,不過自從德國見面會後就有傳聞說J2兩人已簽了第七季,到了Rising con Jensen似乎也鬆口說有繼續的"可能",對於這一連串風聲引發的討論一直有話想說一說,再加上這兩季以來對SPN的感想,所以還是藉著這個機會抒發一下。
- Jul 29 Thu 2010 02:52
Blu-ray version of My Bloody Valentine 3D?!
- Jul 29 Thu 2010 00:22
Jensen's new pix of July
7/29:可惡!動作太慢搞到第二天才更新......>< 這是同一人又放出了更多Jensen離開和回到溫哥華在機場的照片,還有他的一點文字記綠,我翻了Jensen的部分。(咦?!這不是照片帖嗎?!怎麼也有翻譯了?!XD 分類愈趨混亂,請見諒!ORZ)BTW,我喜歡Jensen拿筆的樣子,認真又可愛!<333333
- Jul 22 Thu 2010 13:23
Jensen's old pix of July
- Jul 17 Sat 2010 21:12
Alona will be in Leverage
- Jul 13 Tue 2010 23:02
Congrats to Spain ^O^